HELP! A Request From the Administrator

Hi, my name is Melanie Jean Juneau and I have been the administrator of this site since the summer.I am asking for your insights, expertise and help.

Do any of you have ideas for format or organization? 

 I seriously considered using a dynamic template to only post the introduction to each article but then the header and sidebar disappear. I  am also tempted to switch to wordpress because I would choose a theme which would only post excerpts on the blog page. Even better, we could create a static home page which would describe and introduce ACWB to our readers.

One idea I have is to create a page to list our writer's published books.

This is also a gentle reminder to only post an introduction to your article on our front page. I have resorted to compressing articles by making the type and images smaller when I cannot find the article on your own personal blog but this is not aesthetically pleasing. It is imperative that one article does not dominate the front page; we want to allow our readers the freedom to scan the articles quickly.

An ivitation still stands to all writers to introduce themselves and their blogs,then leave a link to their blog so that we can visit.If you are comfortable, a picture of you or a snapshot of your blog would help us connect and relate to you.


  1. Firstly, we must all acknowledge that you Melanie have done a wonderful job at keeping this Blog fresh and crisp and full of good posts. We are very grateful for your hard work.

    For my part, I like the Blog as it is. Short articles, or intro to articles, and then a link to "Read More" on the author's own Blog. Posts that are too long are rarely read, especially if the reader is an itinerant traveller jumping from Blog to Blog.

    It would be nice if readers commented more often; but that's their personal choice.

    I can't speak about Wordpress because I do not know how it works. Will we be able to post there as now? Or will you post on our behalf?

    My concern is that moving to a new address may lose some of the regular readers who already know about this Blog and its URL.

    Your idea of having a link/tab at the top of the page showing all authors and their books is great. We can also have a tab showing links to where writers have "introduced themselves". See my Blog as an example of those tabs. E.g. the tab "Giggles and Fun" links to all humourous posts etc ...

    Please write to me if you wish to discuss further off-line.

    Thank you for all your hard work and efforts on this Blog. May the Good Lord reward you greatly for it.

    God bless.

    1. Yes, I agree; this site is too established to move to another domain. IF people keep their intros short, the site works as is.

      Great idea about a tab for author's bios as well as their books. I am going to set that up right away.

      I know there are free templates for blogspot...that might offer a static home page where we could summarize who we are..unless we design another page

      I will email you later- thank-you Victor

  2. I wish I were savvy enough to help out! I like the current look. It's laid out well. I love the idea of having everyone's published books in one spot and the addition of bios would be fabulous!

    You do a great job Melanie!

    1. I do like the current look as well. about a page that inroduces this site, as well as bio page and book page..THAT woudl solve my problem

  3. Melanie,
    You introduced me to ACWB and I am impressed with what you are doing. I went over to WordPress as it is more user friendly, but it does mean that I'm keeping up two blog spot still attracts readers. This could happen if you tried to convert this site, and you have it looking extremely attractive already. A page for authors and intros is always a good idea. I am always interested in what others are writing.

    1. agreed. We will stay put and add pages and enforce the short intro and link to personal blogs

  4. Yes yes yes to all of the above. I like keeping the location just where it is. And a HUGE round of applause, together with all and all and all of us, for Melanie's hard work!!!!!!

    1. and a thank-you to the Lord who seems to bless this site

  5. I have not contributed for some time, but I like the blog as it is. I will try to be more involved in the future.

    1. yes, that is the main consensus..with the addition of pages for bios, published books and a sort of static home page which introduces ACWB and can be accessed with a tab up in the top bar
      thank-you so much for your input

  6. the way our numbers have has to be the Holy Spirit

    1. ...and hard work Melanie. It's a combination of both, you working with the Holy Spirit who you enable to work through you.

  7. I like the way it is too but agree some intros could be shorter. I also like the idea of having a little bio of the writers.


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