When God Rocks Your Boat

Stormy Seas
This Sunday's Gospel, the Gospel of Matthew 14:22-33, was the well known story of Jesus walking on water and of Peter going to Him over the waves. It's a story many of us know well and have seen paintings of since childhood.
The dark ominous clouds, the stormy seas, the frightened looks of the followers huddled together on the boat and Jesus in shimmering white glory walking slowly, steadily, toward them, a look of utter peace on His face, His glorious features unmarred by line or wrinkle, His eyes kindly smiling, even twinkling a bit as He looks at His brothers, His children, understanding their fear, but above it as we often look at our children when they experience a fear of the dark or some other thing we know holds no real power.
And then there's Peter who bravely calls out,
“Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water.”
To which Jesus answers simply, "Come."
I often wonder what if it hadn't been Jesus and whoever it was had still said to come, what then? What if it was, in Peter's fear, his mind playing tricks on him? What if Peter had stepped out of the boat then?
To read more, please go to Single Mom Smiling.
God Bless...


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