Making Time to Pray:: Is it really possible?

(Photo taken by:: Conniemod 
Found on Wikimedia Commons)

 Yes, you can.  Not only can you find more time to pray, you NEED to find more time to pray.  We all do!  

Prayer is direct communication with God.  God wants to hear from us, and we need to hear from God.  Through prayer, we lift our hearts and minds to God.  

Without prayer, we are dry.  God's love fills us with joy.  This is what happens when we pray--communicate--with God.  His graces flow to us and for us.  We need to find more time in our busy days to open our hearts to God in prayer.

So, how can you find more time to pray?  

Use Sacred Scripture to pray.  Dust off that family bible and begin to read.  

If you have favorite verses,  find those in your Bible.  If you don't own a bible, you can download one into your e-reader.  There are also free resources online.  Check these out and use them.

Read More at:: His Unending Love


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