The Anti-Christ is Here

When I was seven, I was snooping through my mother’s stuff, when something caught my eye.

The book was titled The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow by Constance Cumbey. To my innocent mind, rainbows were a wonder to behold, and I could not fathom anything dangerous about those glorious bursts of colors in the sky. The book’s cover, however, begged no alternative. A circle of red, yellow, green, orange, and blue sat front-and-center, while various symbols decorated the circumference…

Symbols of the occult, I would later learn.

For the time being, however, I was young and naïve. Life and all creatures were kind, fair, and good. The blissful ignorance of childhood swaddled me, so much so, I could not fathom the idea of evil.

Then my mother caught me going through her things.

"What are you doing?” she asked, her eyes quickly diverting to the book in my hand.

I don’t recall how the conversation began, but for some reason, she decided to give me a crash course on the Book of Revelation and the Anti-Christ. The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow, she said, uncovers the secrets of the New Age Movement and the eventual uprising of the dark figure. She said the Anti-Christ would appear as someone good and trustworthy, but once his power was secured, he would persecute anyone who pledged devotion to the one, true God.

“What do you mean?” I asked. “Would he kill me if I said I loved Jesus?”

“He might,” she replied matter-of-factly, and within one fell swoop, my childhood bliss was destroyed.

Nighty-night, Tara! Sweet dreams!

As a child, I thought everyone loved God. I judged the world against the people at church, which was my safe haven. Mass, Bible studies, church socials, religious education – these activities were my world, and I just assumed all people felt the same. I never realized how much hatred for God existed outside the church walls, and along with hatred for God comes hatred for anyone who worships Him.

Now an adult, I am far wiser and more experienced. I remember the conversation of warning with my mother, and while no obvious Anti-Christ has entered the scene, I see and hear and feel him everywhere. The New Age Movement paved the way for the spirit of Anti-Christ, as people waste no time abandoning the Ultimate Truth taught by Christ over 2,000 years ago. No longer do we need God, for we are God, and we write our own commandments! God did not create the universe…God is the universe! God is me, you, the trees, the air, the dog, whatever Oprah says.

To sum things up, there is nothing supreme about God, and therefore, no need to honor Him or His mandates.

Welcome to the New Age, folks.
Look familiar?
The annihilation of God has always been the goal of the New Age, and considering recent events, I am certain proponents of the “age of Aquarius” are much pleased. I am referring, of course, to the legalization of same-sex marriage across the United States. I could write about how God “created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve,” but the issue delves much deeper. The simple fact is the Church is poised to experience immense persecution, and the stage is set for the complete elimination of God within the minds and hearts of humanity.

And who will replace Him? Why, the Anti-Christ, of course!

Should you think I am over-dramatizing, consider the following facts: 9,035,223 individual persons received some form of assistance from Catholic Charities USA in 2013; Catholic agencies and affiliates provided client services (ranging from basic needs for clothing and shelter to developing like skills such as financial literacy) over 17,000,000 times during the same year; the Catholic Church has funded 776,456 educational services nationwide, not to mention the funding of 68,271 health clinics, 29,327 dental clinics, 8,851 HIV/AIDS services, and 1,088 hospice services since 2011.

And we haven’t even discussed the global charities.

These numbers barely scratch the surface, but should demonstrate the billions of dollars the Catholic Church invests via various ministries…regardless of the individual’s religious affiliation. People from a wide array of beliefs (from devout Catholics to devout atheists) reap the benefits of the Catholic Church’s generosity, and as Christ taught to “give to whoever asks of you,” the Church expects nothing back.

Remember this the next time you speak ill of Catholics.

But the Church’s generosity would not be possible without the tithing of members, which (after the bills are paid) go entirely to charitable missions. What will become of the Church, however, should the young generation grow up with society and the faith at odds? Trends change, social norms change, and with these changes, people change. One thing which never changes, however, is the Church’s upholding of the Truth.

Hence, the immense dislike of us, but I digress.

People will believe whatever the media tells them to believe, so the tender suckling you now nurse could (after several hundred hours in front of the television and social media) grow to be at odds with the Church’s teaching surrounding same-sex marriage. No big deal, except when you consider the long-term implications.

Catholics who have been brainwashed by the media (a system designed to hypnotize the masses, sorry to burst your bubble) will leave the Church in droves, provided they haven’t left already. With them will go the funds necessary to support the Church’s countless charities worldwide, which so many people rely upon. Regardless of one’s opinion of the Catholic Church, the fact is obliteration of the Church’s presence upon the global scene would tear an enormous, black hole in the fabric of society.

You need us, people.

And where will the people go when need arises? Why, the government of course! Uncle Sam will take care of Baby, as always. Except people are so quick to forget one, simple truth: the more you need the government, the more control the government has over the people. Unlike the Catholic Church, the government does not practice charity for God’s sake, and will always require some form of repayment.

The government doesn’t do anything for God’s sake.

But I think we are a long way from such a reality, so let us consider the short-term implications of the same-sex marriage ruling. Someday soon, you will turn on the news and hear a story which goes something like so:

Homosexual Couple Approaches Church to Marry.

Priest Denies Request to Marry.

Homosexual Couple Screams “Discrimination!” and Sues Catholic Church.

Court Rules in Couple’s Favor.

Put another way, the “separation of Church and State” will become nullified…and the State will rule superior. Put another way, the “religious freedom” our government swears to uphold will eventually be no more, which (considering the complete lack of reverence for God within the borders of the United States) shouldn’t concern too many people…

Until the government overrides a freedom we do care about.

Believe me, the psychopaths on Capitol Hill do not care about the American people. The complete disregard for religious freedom is simply the beginning…the “dipping of the toes in the pool of Communism.” Once God is completely eliminated and the presence of His Catholic Church a thing of the past, the path will be paved for a New World Order and the Anti-Christ.

But for now, let’s pretend everything’s sunshine and rainbows.

When I found my mother’s book so long ago, I hoped and prayed her words of warning would never come to fruition. I questioned my ability to die for God, should the circumstances demand I do. What I failed to realize was there are many means of dying, and you do not have to meet the sword to do so. Walking the streets, scrolling the Internet, watching the news…each day amidst the spirit of Anti-Christ is a death unto itself. Standing for and with Christ means being slandered, persecuted, and ostracized.

Which only makes me cling to Him more.

Pray the Rosary, people. Seriously. Your mind makes the meditation seem super hard, but your mind is wrong. Prayer of the Rosary is akin to playing with holy, divine fire, and only requires 15 minutes of your 24 hours. Go to Confession weekly, or heck, monthly. Guard your eyes, be selective of the programs and movies you subject yourself to, and if possible, eliminate television all together. Spend time with the Blessed Sacrament, as He blesses those greatly who “watch one hour with Him.” Unite your sufferings, big and small, to Christ's suffering upon the Cross for the reparation of souls, because souls are no longer making reparation themselves.

Above all, pray. Pray for the humility to recognize God as God, not some mystical being equated with your house dog. Pray for the wisdom to discern the crazy world around you, and for the courage to stand up for His Truth. Pray for the strength to resist the power of evil, running rampant and wild. Pray for the ability to love God as He deserves to be loved, and reap the pleasures and benefits of such a relationship with Him.

Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away. – Matthew 24:35


  1. Wow. What a powerful essay! So scary, but so true. God help us all.

  2. You are so right. America will create its own destruction. SCOTUS' decision was just one more slide down the slippery slope. My only consolation is that God will not be mocked. Ultimately, He will crush the sin of man, and the truth will be evident to all.


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