Catholic Wives Submit to Your Husbands???

It is the wife's duty to submit to her husband.

A Blue Bride- Wives Submit to Your Husband - Single Mom Say that to any modern woman and immediately watch her hackles rise. Say it to any man and he may stand a little straighter and snicker a bit, but if honest, most men will admit to not wanting a doormat for a partner.

And yet isn't that what the Bible tells us?
Wives submit to your husbands. Wives be subordinate to your husbands. The wording varies slightly. The message does not.

What exactly does this mean, this submissiveness a wife is supposed to display? Is this in the Bible simply because the Bible was written thousands of years ago (an amazing fact we tend to forget the significance of!) or is there any chance God knew what He was talking about and that wifely submission still applies today?

I recently spoke on this topic and asked the group the following questions, which they had no problem answering and seeing the logic behind.
Who is the leader of the country?
The President
Who is leader of the Army?
The General
Who is leader of a baseball team?
The manager.
Who is the leader of the Catholic Church on Earth?
The Pope.

Why then did they stumble over the next question...
Who is leader of the Family?
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