Judith Bible Study

Hello Everyone! My name is Bella Bricks and I feel truly blessed to be apart of this association! I have recently come back to the church and I have been compelled by the Holy Spirit to share my testimony on the interwebs with all of you. I have been recently studying Judith and I would like to share it with all of you.

So a few days ago I was having a discussion with a friend about strong women in the Bible. We spoke of course of the “Proverbs 31” woman, Esther, Mary etc. I brought up Judith and my friend had never heard of her. It is amazing how we can be inspired by the Holy Spirit. So because of this conversation I am now compelled to do this Bible study.

Judith has to be one of my favorite books in the Bible. Judith is a strong independent woman who gets the job done! So some of you may have not heard of Judith, most Protestants consider this book to be part of the Apocrypha so she will not be in a NIV Bible. It makes me said that Martin Luther chose not to translate her but that is a discussion for another time. If you have the Holy Bible app you can switch over to the Catholic PDV and you will find Judith in there. This is the first installment in this series and I hope you all like it!

We are going to do this chapter by chapter and we will introduce characters as they come along. Each chapter in this story has a specific message and I feel that we should discuss each one thoroughly. I will also have an informal list of sources once I complete the study! I am trying to get chapter two up as fast as I can! 


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