True Love and the Cross

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of LOVE?

A chubby baby dressed as a Greek god for Halloween?
Sappy pictures of hands joined together?
A red rose?
A box of favorite chocolates?

Let's go a bit deeper, shall we?  Relationships.  Cuddly feelings?  

Are these really great examples (or even, for goodness' sake, realistic) examples of true love?  (By the way, I never really understood the whole last part of The Princess Bride where they rated the kisses ~ what kind of job would that be to do such a thing?  It would stink.)

But, it seems as if society has twisted the definition of true love.

One of the definitions for "love" on is
 "a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection". 

If love becomes reduced to a happy emotion, it quickly deteriorates and loses its value. 

"Love is not affectionate feeling, but a steady wish for the loved person's ultimate good as far as it can be obtained" ~ C.S. Lewis

What is the greatest of all loves?  The love that set the world afire.  It happened over 2000 years ago.  It happened in a small village under foreign rule.  And the thing is, 


There is a definite path for us to travel; it is full of suffering and heartache, but it is genuine.

"Love, to be real, it must COST ~ it must HURT ~ it must empty us of self." ~ Mother Teresa

But it will be rewarding because we are sharing this sacrificial love with Christ.

Read the rest here.


  1. excellent article, especially from someone so young. You sound just my daughters, thank heaven they saw through the world's lies about love


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