Hungering in a Cold Darkness & My Marian Consecration

Hunger, Cold Darkness, Marian Consecration - gray background, black words
My Marian Consecration was scheduled for February 11th, the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. If you've ever thought of doing a Consecration, beginning now will have you finishing on the 100th Anniversary of the Feast of Our Lady of Fatima. Can there be anything better??? 

Here is my original Consecration post...

An inspirational Christian friend once told me the prayer God always answers positively is her request to want to know Him more, to be made more hungry for Him. Her words stuck with me and describe what I have been experiencing the last several weeks.

I hunger.

With an intensity that is almost indescribable,

I hunger.

I have grown in my understanding of trust in, and love for the Lord in ways I didn't know were possible before (Before now always means before my husband left...). I am amazed by how far I've come and by the Peace and Joy in my life today. Make no mistake, this is no Peace and Joy from my own power, but a Peace and Joy that surpasses human understanding or will. It is a Peace and Joy that comes from submission. It is a Peace and Joy that comes even in cold dark moments.

That last part is key to understanding faith. Faith doesn't expel cold, dark moments, even intensely cold dark moments or those that last a very long time. I know because it's what I faced in my Marian Consecration...

To read the rest of this post, please join me at Single Mom Smiling.
Thank you for joining me and for liking, following, and sharing. I'm no expert, but if you have questions about Marian Consecration, please let me know!   God Bless...


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